
Danielle Hinckley ‘14 and Michael Smith ‘13 were married on August 10, 2019, at Alex’s on the
Water in Oswego, N.Y. Danielle works as a middle school science teacher and Michael is a lawyer
with the federal government. Fellow alumni in attendance were (back row, from left) Theodore
“Rusty” Hinckley, Christine Somers ‘15, James Creamer ‘14, James Domachowske ‘13, Trevor
Thomas, Christopher Folsom; (second row, from left) Daniel Cava ‘13, Amanda Adami ‘13, Alyssa
Beers ‘12, Kristen Scheriff ‘13, Jennifer Schifferle ‘13, Lauren Lipinoga Brown ‘12, Winifred Decker
Channing ‘13, Mary “Robin” Rubeo-Laughter ‘13, Jackie Maguire ‘13, Linda Ventriglia Cardinal ‘85,
Laura Christopher Hinckley ‘84, Scott Hinckley ‘17; (front row, from left) Allen Barry ‘13, Kelly
Corwin ‘13, Michael Smith ‘13, Danielle Hinckley Smith ‘14, Talia Berk ‘13, Emily Hinckley Thompson
‘16, Sarah Adamo ‘17.

Michelle Horton ‘86 M’95 CAS’09 and
Anne Montreal ’91 M’99 were married Feb.
8, 2021, in Syracuse, N.Y. They are CEOs
and co-founders of The Archemy Group.
Michelle is a personal and business coach
with Always Chasing Better Coaching. Anne
is a math specialist and presenter of Professional
Development for Beyond Mastery.
The couple lives in Syracuse, N.Y.

Justin Dobrow ‘17 and Kalie Hudson ‘16
were married on April 25, 2020, in the
backyard of Justin’s childhood home on
Long Island. Justin is the supervisor of
program operations supporting Peacock at
NBCUniversal and Kalie is a senior social
strategist at Edelman. The couple lives in
Astoria, N.Y.
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