When Paul ’65 and Chrystal Laird Cardinali ’64 vacation in Cape Cod each spring, they hope for nice weather. Of course, “nice” is a relative term.]
“When I go to the Cape, I want hurricane force winds, high surf and rain,” Paul says. Spoken like a weather watcher whose earliest inclement memories include playing in the remnants of Hurricane Hazel in the mid-1950s.
With personal weather records that date back to 1958, Paul has been observing weather from his Fulton home and sharing his snowy findings with Central New York media outlets for the better part of five decades. The retired high school earth sciences teacher of 34 years even developed his own computer program to track the snow measurements.
“I’ve been pulled out of snow banks several times in my endeavors,” he says of the days he and Chrystal spent chasing storms with late Professor Emeritus Bob Sykes while studying earth sciences at Oswego.
“A little older and wiser,” the couple lets the storms come to them now, says Paul.
“When I see a big storm is coming, I want it,” he says. “But, I don’t want to shovel it off the roof — the excitement is still there though.”
He and his fellow Central New Yorkers are certainly in the right place for weather.
“Anyone who has lived since 1960 has seen some of the best and worst of the weather that we’ve had in 150 years,” says Paul, who has analyzed data going back to the 1830s. Some of the worst events in his memory occurred during the winters of 1966, 1974 and 2003.
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Hi Chrystal,
Your article brought back fond memories of Washington Blvd. Hope all is well with you and your family.
Bill Shaffer
I had the pleasure of studying High School Earth Science under Mr. Cardinali back in 1979. I’ll never forget the bounce in his step or his exuberance for Winter storms. Growing up where I did in NY, with the extra helping of lake effect snow each Winter, you either embraced the storms or suffered through them. Whenever I am out hiking or skiing in the wilderness and have a spot of turbulent weather I smile as I think back to my class with Mr. Cardinali and tell Mother Nature to bring it on because nice days can be oh so boring. I’m glad to read that he still has the same fire in his belly for the cold stuff.
Hey Paul its been a long time, really pleased to see you still take weather watching seriously!!!