Make Your Mark GOLD Giving Challenge

Aunrée Houston ’00, GOLD Giving Challenger
At the beginning of March, Aunrée Houston ’00 challenged members of the classes of 2011-2020 to Make Their Mark by making a gift to the college. He said if 200 Graduates Of the Last Decade (GOLD) made a gift to The Fund for Oswego during that single month, he would donate $30,000 to the college.
By March 31, a total of 309 GOLD alumni met Aunrée’s challenge, and together with his commitment, the GOLD Giving Challenge raised $38,705.42.
“I am very proud of SUNY Oswego alumni for supporting the college during this pandemic. The results prove that we are resilient, dedicated and hopeful. An additional mark we made was celebrating diversity, inclusion and unity across SUNY Oswego GOLD alum. As a Black Queer man, I’m more likely to support projects when I see people like me involved. It was great to receive notes of excitement from alumni from different communities.”
— Aunrée Houston ’00, entrepreneur, life coach and GOLD Giving Challenger
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