Snowfalls and sunsets, beanies and books (or is it Buck’s?), the Founder and Fallbrook … These are just a few of the things we love about Oswego. To celebrate the college’s Sesquicentennial, we asked you, our readers, to send in the things you remember most fondly about your alma mater. The list includes current faves and long-gone treasures. But one thing remains certain — Our alumni love Oswego!
Editor’s note: Entries are numbered for listing purposes and not ranked. Click on the links to read a story on that item.
2. Lake Ontario
3. Lake winds
4. Shady Shore
5. Great Lake Review
6. The Wheel
7. Wade’s
8. The Bluffs
9. Blackfriars
10. Smokestacks
11. Activism of the ’60s/’70s
12. Take Back the Night
14. King Alumni Hall
15. 9/11 Memorial Garden
16. Glimerglass Lagoon
17. The Lodge
18. Torchlight
19. Old Alma Mater
20. New Alma Mater
21. Ontario Orchards
22. Wall Street Café
23. Sheldon’s trees
24. Max Ziel
26. Sheldon Hall ballroom
27. Book Brigade
28. Normal School pride
29. Epic Snowfalls
30. The Furniture Shop
31. Sundial Quad
32. Lee Hall pool movies
33. Rice Creek
34. Fallbrook
35. Waterspouts
36. New vs. Old Campus snowball fight
37. Bridge Street Run
38. Dirt Day
39. Washington Boulevard
40. Rudy’s
41. Bev’s
42. Sweete Shop
43. Oswego Sub Shop
44. Martin Luther King Day celebration
45. Springfest
46. Mahar-Tyler tunnel
47. Late Night (snack bar)
48. The Art Attack
49. Rush Week
50. John Belt’s studio
51. Sons of the Wilted Wallet
52. Daughters of the Wilted Wallet
53. Carillon Bells
54. Lake Effect Café
55. WNYO
56. WOCR
57. WTOP
58. WRVO
59. The Ontarian
60. Solid State
61. StateSingers
62. GOLD (Graduates Of the Last Decade)
63. Lakeside Dining Hall/Johnson Hall
64. Quest
65. Media Summit
66. Centro
67. Student Association
68. Flat Rocks
69. Ropes
70. Car buried at Culkin
71. Bonfires behind Riggs
72. The Village townhouses
73. LOCO
74. Sheldon cupola
75. Old City
76. Buckland’s
77. 2007 national Div. III men’s
champion hockey team
78. Sheldon Statue
79. Nunzi’s
80. Cooper
81. Mackin
82. Honors Program
83. Phi Beta Sigma (first African American
fraternity on campus)
84. Women’s ice hockey
85. Campus School
86. Splinter Village
87. Poucher Hall radio lab
88. Industrial Arts
89. The Tavern
90. Campus Center
91. PPB/SAPB concerts
92. Meteorology
93. Cayuga Hall
94. Funnelle Hall
95. Hart Hall
96. Oneida Hall
97. Onondaga Hall
98. Scales Hall
99. Waterbury Hall
100. Hidden Fields
101. Laker Hall
102. Lanigan Hall
103. Penfield Library
104. Rich Hall
105. The ’Shed
106. Greek life
107. Lab Theatre
108. Uldrick Thompson’s Clock
109. Children’s Center
110. Draper Hall
111. The original Sheldon Hall
112. Return to Oz
113. Reunion Weekend
114. Artswego
115. Alumni-In-Residence
116. Indie Concert Series
117. Lil’s
118. Toilet Talk
119. Snygg Hall
120. Piez Hall
121. Swetman Gymnasium
122. Our 75,000 alumni worldwide
123. College Mace and Medallion
124. Writing Arts Program
125. Football
126. Beanies
127. The Pergola
128. Symphonic Choir
129. Romney Field House
130. Timepieces
131. College-Community Orchestra
132. Northern lights
133. Senior Clam Bake
134. Sunset Café
135. Transportation Lab
136. O-Zone
137. Bowling Alley in Hewitt Union
138. Zamboni
139. Honors Convocation
140. Road Show
141. Pontiac Hotel
142. Muhammad Ali visit
143. Ice sculptures
144. Commencement
145. Hideo Takamine
146. Homecoming Parade
147. 1893/1903 World’s Exhibition medals
148. Rugby
149. 1966 championship men’s soccer team
150. Waterman Theatre
“150 Things We Love about Oswego” was researched, reported and written by Editor Michele Reed, Associate Editor Shane M. Liebler and Keith Edelman ’10. Thanks to colleagues from the offices of Public Affairs, Publications, Penfield Library Archives and Sports Information for help in compiling the stories and images.
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How come SAVAC is not on the list. This was the first student run ambulance in the country and has provided endless service to this campus for 40 years. I think this is a major discrepancy in this list.
Thursday Night at Sereno’s, where the weekend started.
Super miss JD and Sereno’s. Was just thinking about it yesterday
Regans Silver Lake
Livingston Taylor concert at Hewitt Union (78-79?)
At Christmas time, the language department gathered for a meal and entertainment, most of which was prepared by students. We had the opportunity to sample foods and hear music from many cultures. The planning was as much fun as the event itself. Two of the most memorable activities were hearing SILENT NIGHT sung in 7 languages simultaneously and watching people attempt the Russian dances.
35 cent beers at Bucklands
outhouses at Nunzis
Can’t forget:
Greekr Games
The “hitching corner”
Professional Attire required at Sunday dinner
Women students couldn’t wear slacks above 0 degrees
Etc., etc., and so forth
Seneca Hall