A member of the Oswego College Foundation Board, Jack James ’62 has added the role of Legacy Society chair to the many ways he supports Oswego and its students.
Planned giving makes it possible for SUNY Oswego alumni and friends to reach beyond the present and touch the future. Jack James ’62 sees it as a means of ensuring that his alma mater remains an effective institution of higher education for many generations to come.
James has agreed to chair the Sheldon Legacy Society Steering Committee and to work with other members to revitalize that group, which honors those who include Oswego in their estate plans. He says he accepted the leadership position because he has faith in the students of today and in those of the future. The Legacy Society affirms some of the values founder Edward Austin Sheldon held dear: careful planning, generous giving, and faithful stewardship.
The Society is comprised of people who are committed to spreading the message about the benefits of planned giving. James says Oswego’s students will benefit as more people understand that a legacy gift enables them to give beyond what they might be able to give at the present and as more people are aware of the variety of plans and the benefits of each plan.
A retired Marine Corps Colonel and former faculty member at National–Louis University, James has long supported Oswego through giving and volunteering. Leading by example, he has bequeathed a significant portion of his estate to Oswego, and he established a charitable gift annuity in honor of the 50th reunion of his class.
With ongoing gifts, James supports a scholarship for non-traditional learners, provides a fund dedicated to equipment and facilities improvement, and maintains a student program fund for the School of Education.
James invites those interested in information about the Sheldon Legacy Society and planned giving to call the Office of University Development at 315-312-3003.
“Planned giving is the ultimate commitment to Oswego and its students,” James says. “It’s a way to ensure that the legacy of learning extends into the future by enabling current students to complete their educations for the benefit of future generations. In this way, the Sheldon legacy, personal philanthropy and a donor’s family legacy are linked.”
—Linda Loomis ’90, M ’97
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